Purpose :it this lesson,the writer analyzes self to provide an
Introduction to the rest of the class.
Objectives:to analyze,to inform,to introduce
Resources/materials:paper and pencil (teacher needs to write
His/her autobiopoem in advance of the
Activities and procedures : student write an eleven line
Autobiopoem after hearing/seeing
The teacher’s model.
Tying it all together: setup an example of an autobiopoem.
Steps to write autobiography:
Line 1: your first name
Line 2: descriptive traits
Line 3: sibling of
Line 4: lover of ( people, ideas)
Line 5: who feels
Line 6: who needs
Line 7: who gives
Line 8: who fears
Line 9: who would like to see
Line 10: resident of ( your city )
Line 11: your last name
1.My name : Wenny Puspita
2.Seven descriptive my traits :Lover,caring,patient,honest,curious,energetic and not arrogant.
3.My sibling of:my sister of winda and my brother of Hendy.
4.My lover of(people,ideas):laughter,challengelearning,music,guitar and friendship.
5.I feels :joy when playing guitar,listening music,singing,swimming,playing basketballs and
I can to help other people,I very happy.
6.I needs: sunshine everyday,to breathe,attention from my parents,love and affection from my
Parents and my friends.
7.I gives:friendship,smiles,solution,happiness,encouragement,and to help other people.
8.I fears: pain,flood,dry season and the end of summer.
9.I would like to see:contentment for all living thing and happiness for all my friends.
10.My resident of :republic
11.My last name:Puspita
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